# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Dennis Kaarsemaker # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Terence Simpson # Copyright (c) 2017- Krytarik Raido # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ### import sys, os, re, json, base64 import xml.dom.minidom as minidom from email.parser import FeedParser from pysimplesoap.client import SoapClient def _getnodetxt(node): L = [] for childnode in node.childNodes: if childnode.nodeType == childnode.TEXT_NODE: L.append(childnode.data) if not L: raise ValueError("No text nodes") val = ''.join(L) if node.hasAttribute('encoding'): encoding = node.getAttribute('encoding') if encoding == 'base64': try: val = decodeBase64(val) except: val = 'Cannot convert bug data from base64.' return utils.web.htmlToText(val, tagReplace='') def _getnodeattr(node, attr): if node.hasAttribute(attr): val = node.getAttribute(attr) else: raise ValueError("No such attribute") return utils.web.htmlToText(val, tagReplace='') # Work around PySimpleSOAP still lacking Base64 support def checkBase64(text): if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]+={0,2}$', text) and len(text) % 4 == 0: return True return False def decodeBase64(text): if sys.version_info < (3,0): return base64.b64decode(text) else: return base64.b64decode(text).decode('utf-8') class BugtrackerError(Exception): """A bugtracker error""" pass class BugNotFoundError(Exception): """Pity, bug isn't there""" pass cvere = re.compile(r']*>Description.*?]*>\s*(?P.*?)\s*', re.I | re.DOTALL) cverre = re.compile(r']*>\s*(?P.*?)\s*', re.I | re.DOTALL) # Define CVE tracker class CVE: def get_bug(self, channel, cveid, do_url=True): url = "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-%s" % cveid try: cvedata = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError('Could not get CVE data: %s (%s)' % (e, url)) match = cvere.search(cvedata) if match: cve = utils.web.htmlToText(match.group('cve'), tagReplace='') desc_max = 450 - len(channel) if do_url: desc_max -= len(url) + 3 if len(cve) > desc_max: cve = cve[:desc_max-3] + '...' if do_url: cve += ' <%s>' % url return cve else: match = cverre.search(cvedata) if match: cverr = utils.web.htmlToText(match.group('cverr'), tagReplace='') if "Couldn't find" in cverr: raise BugNotFoundError return cverr else: raise BugtrackerError('Could not parse CVE data (%s)' % url) # Define all bugtrackers class IBugtracker: def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, description=None, trackertype=None, aliases=[]): self.name = name self.url = url self.description = description self.trackertype = trackertype self.aliases = set(aliases) self.errget = 'Could not get data from %s: %s (%s)' self.errparse = 'Could not parse data from %s: %s (%s)' self.errparseno = 'Could not parse data from %s (%s)' def __str__(self): return self.name def __hash__(self): return hash(self.url) def __cmp__(self, other): # used implicitly in Bugtracker.is_ok() return cmp(hash(self), hash(other)) class Bugzilla(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'(?P(?P[^\s/]+)\S*)/show_bug\.cgi', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group('url') return Bugzilla(name, url, desc, 'bugzilla') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/rest/bug/%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') if re.search(r'
]*>\s*The REST Interface feature is not\s+available in this Bugzilla.\s*
', bugjson): return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) bug = json.loads(bugjson)['bugs'][0] except Exception as e: # For old-stable Bugzilla if 'HTTP Error 404' in str(e): return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: status = bug['status'] if bug['resolution']: status += ': %s' % bug['resolution'] if bug['assigned_to_detail']: assignee = bug['assigned_to_detail']['real_name'] if not assignee: assignee = bug['assigned_to_detail']['name'] else: assignee = '' return (bugid, bug['product'], bug['summary'], bug['severity'], status, assignee, "%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) def get_bug_old(self, bugtype, bugid): # Deprecated url = "%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s&ctype=xml" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugxml = utils.web.getUrl(url) zilladom = minidom.parseString(bugxml) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) bug_n = zilladom.getElementsByTagName('bug')[0] if bug_n.hasAttribute('error'): errtxt = bug_n.getAttribute('error') if errtxt in ('NotFound', 'InvalidBugId'): raise BugNotFoundError s = 'Could not get %s bug #%s: %s' % (self.description, bugid, errtxt) raise BugtrackerError(s) try: title = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('short_desc')[0]) status = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('bug_status')[0]) try: status = "%s: %s" % (status, _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('resolution')[0])) except: pass product = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('product')[0]) severity = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('bug_severity')[0]) try: assignee = _getnodeattr(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('assigned_to')[0], 'name') except: try: assignee = _getnodetxt(bug_n.getElementsByTagName('assigned_to')[0]) except: assignee = '' except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) return (bugid, product, title, severity, status, assignee, "%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) class Launchpad(IBugtracker): statuses = ("Unknown", "Invalid", "Opinion", "Won't Fix", "Fix Released", "Fix Committed", "New", "Incomplete", "Confirmed", "Triaged", "In Progress") severities = ("Unknown", "Undecided", "Wishlist", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Critical") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.lp = None # A word to the wise: # The Launchpad API is much better than the /+text interface we currently use, # it's faster and easier to get the information we need. # The current /+text interface is not really maintained by Launchpad and most, # or all, of the Launchpad developers hate it. For this reason, we are dropping # support for /+text in the future in favour of launchpadlib. # Terence Simpson (tsimpson) 2010-04-20 try: from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad cachedir = os.path.join('/tmp/', 'launchpadlib') self.lp = Launchpad.login_anonymously("Ubuntu Matrix Bots - Bugtracker", 'production', cachedir, version='devel') except ImportError: print("Please install python-launchpadlib, the old interface is deprecated") except Exception: self.lp = None print("Unknown exception while accessing the Launchpad API") def _parse(self, task): # Deprecated parser = FeedParser() parser.feed(task) return parser.close() @classmethod def _rank(cls, task): try: return float('%d.%02d' % (cls.statuses.index(task.status), cls.severities.index(task.importance))) except: return 0 @classmethod def _rank_old(cls, task): try: return float('%d.%02d' % (cls.statuses.index(task['status']), cls.severities.index(task['importance']))) except: return 0 @classmethod def _sort(cls, task1, task2): # Deprecated try: if task1.status != task2.status: if cls.statuses.index(task1.status) < cls.statuses.index(task2.status): return -1 return 1 if task1.importance != task2.importance: if cls.severities.index(task1.importance) < cls.severities.index(task2.importance): return -1 return 1 except: return 0 return 0 @classmethod def _sort_old(cls, task1, task2): # Deprecated try: if task1['status'] != task2['status']: if cls.statuses.index(task1['status']) < cls.statuses.index(task2['status']): return -1 return 1 if task1['importance'] != task2['importance']: if cls.severities.index(task1['importance']) < cls.severities.index(task2['importance']): return -1 return 1 except: return 0 return 0 def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): #TODO: Remove this method and rename 'get_bug_new' to 'get_bug' if self.lp: return self.get_bug_new(bugtype, bugid) return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) def get_bug_new(self, bugtype, bugid): #TODO: Rename this method to 'get_bug' try: bugdata = self.lp.bugs[int(bugid)] if bugdata.private: raise BugtrackerError("This bug is private") duplicate = [] dup = bugdata.duplicate_of while dup: duplicate.append(str(bugdata.id)) bugdata = dup dup = bugdata.duplicate_of extinfo = ['affected: %d' % bugdata.users_affected_count_with_dupes] extinfo.append('heat: %d' % bugdata.heat) tasks = bugdata.bug_tasks if tasks.total_size > 1: taskdata = sorted(tasks, key=self._rank)[-1] else: taskdata = tasks[0] if taskdata.assignee: # In case assignee data is private try: assignee = taskdata.assignee.display_name except: assignee = '' else: assignee = '' except Exception as e: if type(e).__name__ == 'HTTPError': # messy, but saves trying to import lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTPError if e.response.status == 404: bugNo = e.content.split()[-1][2:-1] # extract the real bug number if bugNo != bugid: # A duplicate of a private bug, at least we know it exists raise BugtrackerError('Bug #%s is a duplicate of bug #%s, but it is private (%s/bugs/%s)' % (bugid, bugNo, self.url, bugNo)) raise BugtrackerError("Bug #%s is private or does not exist (%s/bugs/%s)" % (bugid, self.url, bugid)) # Could be private, could just not exist raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, '%s/bugs/%s' % (self.url, bugid))) elif isinstance(e, KeyError): raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, '%s/bugs/%s' % (self.url, bugid))) return (bugdata.id, taskdata.bug_target_display_name, bugdata.title, taskdata.importance, taskdata.status, assignee, "%s/bugs/%s" % (self.url, bugdata.id), extinfo, duplicate) def get_bug_old(self, bugtype, bugid, duplicate=None): # Deprecated url = "%s/bugs/%s/+text" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugdata = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: if 'HTTP Error 404' in str(e): if duplicate: raise BugtrackerError('Bug #%s is a duplicate of bug #%s, but it is private (%s/bugs/%s)' % (duplicate, bugid, self.url, bugid)) else: raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: # Split bug data into separate pieces (bug data, task data) data = bugdata.split('\n\nContent-Type:', 1)[0].split('\n\n') bugdata = self._parse(data[0]) if not bugdata['duplicate-of']: taskdata = list(map(self._parse, data[1:])) if len(taskdata) > 1: taskdata = sorted(taskdata, key=self._rank_old)[-1] else: taskdata = taskdata[0] if taskdata['assignee']: assignee = re.sub(r' \([^)]*\)$', '', taskdata['assignee']) else: assignee = '' except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) # Try and find duplicates if bugdata['duplicate-of']: data = self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugdata['duplicate-of'], duplicate or bugid) data[8].append(bugdata['bug']) return data return (bugid, taskdata['task'], bugdata['title'], taskdata['importance'], taskdata['status'], assignee, "%s/bugs/%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) # # Debbugs sucks donkeyballs # * HTML pages are inconsistent # * Parsing mboxes gets incorrect with cloning perversions (eg with bug 330000) # * No sane way of accessing bug reports in a machine readable way (bts2ldap # has no search on bugid) # * The damn thing allow incomplete bugs, eg bugs without severity set. WTF?!? # # Fortunately bugs.donarmstrong.com has a SOAP interface which we can use. # class Debbugs(IBugtracker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.soap_client = SoapClient("%s/cgi-bin/soap.cgi" % self.url, namespace="Debbugs/SOAP") def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: raw = self.soap_client.get_status(bugs=bugid) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) if not hasattr(raw, 'item'): raise BugNotFoundError try: raw = raw.item.value title = str(raw.subject) if checkBase64(title): title = decodeBase64(title) if hasattr(raw.fixed_versions, 'item'): status = 'Fixed' elif str(raw.done): status = 'Closed' else: status = 'Open' return (bugid, str(raw.package), title, str(raw.severity), status, '', "%s/%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class SourceForge(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'sourceforge\.net/p/[^\s/]+/(bugs|tickets|feature-requests|patches|todo)', url) desc = match.group(0) name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % desc return SourceForge(name, url, desc, 'sourceforge') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/%s/" % (self.url.replace('sourceforge.net', 'sourceforge.net/rest'), bugid) try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson)['ticket'] except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = severity = '' if bug['labels']: product = bug['labels'][0] if '_priority' in bug['custom_fields']: severity = 'Pri: %s' % bug['custom_fields']['_priority'] return (bugid, product, bug['summary'], severity, ': '.join(bug['status'].split('-')), bug['assigned_to'], "%s/%s/" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class GitHub(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'github\.com/[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+/(issues|pulls?|commits?)', url) desc = match.group(0) url = 'https://%s' % desc # Pulls are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/pull$', r'/pulls', desc) # Commits are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/commit$', r'/commits', desc) name = desc.lower() return GitHub(name, url, desc, 'github') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/%s" % (self.url.replace('github.com', 'api.github.com/repos'), bugid) # Pulls are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/pull/', '/pulls/') # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') if bugtype in ('issue', 'bug'): url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/issues/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/issues/') elif bugtype in ('pull', 'pr', 'merge', 'mr'): url = url.replace('/issues/', '/pulls/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/pulls/') elif bugtype == 'commit': url = url.replace('/issues/', '/commits/') url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/commits/') try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = '/'.join(self.url.split('/')[-3:-1]) if '/commits/' not in url: title = bug['title'] if 'merged' in bug and bug['merged']: status = 'Merged' else: status = bug['state'] if bug['assignee']: assignee = bug['assignee']['login'] else: assignee = '' else: bugid = bug['sha'][:7] title = bug['commit']['message'].split('\n', 1)[0] status = '' assignee = '' return (bugid, product, title, '', status, assignee, bug['html_url'], [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class GitLab(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url, bugid): try: match = re.match(r'[^\s/]+/(?P[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)*?)/(-/)?(issues|merge_requests|commits?)', url) desc = match.group(0) url = 'https://%s' % desc # Commits are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/commit$', r'/commits', desc) name = desc.lower() bugurl = "%s/%s" % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)+/(-/)?', r'\g<1>/api/v4/projects/%s/' % match.group('project').replace('/', '%2F'), url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commits/', '/repository/commits/') bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(bugurl).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson) return GitLab(name, url, desc, 'gitlab') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): match = re.match(r'[^\s:]+://[^\s/]+/(?P[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)*?)/(-/)?(issues|merge_requests|commits?)', self.url) url = "%s/%s" % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/[^\s/]+(/[^\s/]+)+/(-/)?', r'\g<1>/api/v4/projects/%s/' % match.group('project').replace('/', '%2F'), self.url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') if bugtype in ('issue', 'bug'): url = url.replace('/merge_requests/', '/issues/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/issues/') elif bugtype in ('merge', 'mr', 'pull', 'pr'): url = url.replace('/issues/', '/merge_requests/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/merge_requests/') elif bugtype == 'commit': url = url.replace('/issues/', '/commits/') url = url.replace('/merge_requests/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs url = url.replace('/commits/', '/repository/commits/') try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = match.group('project') if '/commits/' not in url: title = bug['title'] status = bug['state'] if bug['assignees']: assino = len(bug['assignees']) if assino == 1: assignee = bug['assignees'][0]['name'] else: assignee = '%d people' % assino else: assignee = '' else: bugid = bug['id'][:7] title = bug['message'].split('\n', 1)[0] status = '' assignee = '' return (bugid, product, title, '', status, assignee, bug['web_url'], [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) class Gitea(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url, bugid): try: match = re.match(r'[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+/[^\s/]+/(issues|pulls|commits?)', url) desc = match.group(0) url = 'https://%s' % desc # Commits are inconsistent in main and single page URLs desc = re.sub(r'/commit$', r'/commits', desc) name = desc.lower() bugurl = '%s/%s' % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/', r'\g<1>/api/v1/repos/', url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs bugurl = bugurl.replace('/commits/', '/git/commits/') bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(bugurl).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson) return Gitea(name, url, desc, 'gitea') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/%s" % (re.sub(r'(://[^\s/]+)/', r'\g<1>/api/v1/repos/', self.url), bugid) # Commits are inconsistent in web and API URLs url = url.replace('/commit/', '/commits/') if bugtype in ('issue', 'bug'): url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/issues/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/issues/') elif bugtype in ('pull', 'pr', 'merge', 'mr'): url = url.replace('/issues/', '/pulls/') url = url.replace('/commits/', '/pulls/') elif bugtype == 'commit': url = url.replace('/issues/', '/commits/') url = url.replace('/pulls/', '/commits/') # Commits need an extra bit on API URLs url = url.replace('/commits/', '/git/commits/') try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: product = '/'.join(self.url.split('/')[-3:-1]) if '/commits/' not in url: title = bug['title'] if 'merged' in bug and bug['merged']: status = 'Merged' else: status = bug['state'] if bug['assignee']: assignee = bug['assignee']['username'] else: assignee = '' else: bugid = bug['sha'][:7] title = bug['commit']['message'].split('\n', 1)[0] status = '' assignee = '' # Issues have no 'html_url', but pulls and commits do if 'html_url' in bug: htmlurl = bug['html_url'] else: htmlurl = url.replace('/api/v1/repos/', '/') return (bugid, product, title, '', status, assignee, htmlurl, [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) cgitre = re.compile(r"""index : (?P[^\s<]+).*? commit(?P[a-f0-9]+).*?
""", re.I | re.DOTALL) class CGit(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url, bugid): try: match = re.match(r'(?P(?P[^\s/]+\S*)/commit)/[^\s?]*\?([^\s?&]+&)?id=', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group('url') return CGit(name, url, desc, 'cgit') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugdata = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: if re.match(r'HTTP Error (404|400)', str(e)): raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) match = cgitre.search(bugdata) if match: bugid = match.group('hash')[:7] title = utils.web.htmlToText(match.group('subj'), tagReplace=' ') title = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', title) product = match.group('repo') return (bugid, product, title, '', '', '', url, [], []) else: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparseno % (self.description, url)) class Mantis(IBugtracker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): IBugtracker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.soap_client = SoapClient("%s/api/soap/mantisconnect.php" % self.url, namespace="http://futureware.biz/mantisconnect") def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'(?P(?P[^\s/]+)\S*)/view\.php', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group('url') return Mantis(name, url, desc, 'mantis') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): url = "%s/api/rest/issues/%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: bugjson = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') bug = json.loads(bugjson)['issues'][0] except Exception as e: # REST API may not be enabled yet if 'HTTP Error 404' in str(e): return self.get_bug_old(bugtype, bugid) raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: return (bugid, bug['project']['name'], bug['summary'], bug['severity']['name'], bug['resolution']['name'], '', "%s/view.php?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) def get_bug_old(self, bugtype, bugid): # Deprecated url = "%s/view.php?id=%s" % (self.url, bugid) try: raw = self.soap_client.mc_issue_get(username='', password='', issue_id=bugid) except Exception as e: if 'Issue #%s not found' % bugid in str(e): raise BugNotFoundError # Often SOAP is not enabled if '.' in self.name: supylog.exception(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) return raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) if not hasattr(raw, 'id'): raise BugNotFoundError try: title = str(raw.summary) if checkBase64(title): title = decodeBase64(title) return (bugid, str(raw.project.name), title, str(raw.severity.name), str(raw.resolution.name), '', url, [], []) except Exception as e: raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) # For Trac-based trackers we get the tab-separated-values format. # The other option is a comma-separated-values format, but if the description # has commas, things get tricky. # This should be more robust than the screen scraping done previously. class Trac(IBugtracker): def get_tracker(self, url): try: match = re.match(r'(?P[^\s/]+)\S*/ticket', url) desc = match.group('desc') name = desc.lower() url = 'https://%s' % match.group(0) return Trac(name, url, desc, 'trac') except: pass def get_bug(self, bugtype, bugid): # This is still a little rough, but it works :) url = "%s/%s?format=tab" % (self.url, bugid) try: raw = utils.web.getUrl(url).decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: # Due to unreliable matching if '.' in self.name: supylog.exception(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) return if 'HTTP Error 500' in str(e): raise BugNotFoundError raise BugtrackerError(self.errget % (self.description, e, url)) try: raw = raw.replace('\r\n', '\n') (headers, rest) = raw.split('\n', 1) headers = headers.strip().split('\t') rest = rest.strip().split('\t') title = rest[headers.index("summary")] status = rest[headers.index("status")] package = rest[headers.index("component")] severity = assignee = "" if "severity" in headers: severity = rest[headers.index("severity")] elif "priority" in headers: severity = rest[headers.index("priority")] if "owner" in headers: assignee = rest[headers.index("owner")] return (bugid, package, title, severity, status, assignee, "%s/%s" % (self.url, bugid), [], []) except Exception as e: # Due to unreliable matching if '.' in self.name: supylog.exception(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) return raise BugtrackerError(self.errparse % (self.description, e, url)) # Introspection is quite cool defined_bugtrackers = {} v = vars() for k in list(v.keys()): if type(v[k]) == type(IBugtracker) and issubclass(v[k], IBugtracker) and not (v[k] == IBugtracker): defined_bugtrackers[k.lower()] = v[k]